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Islamic Bomb - Episode 2 - From Press TV - English

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Islamic Bomb - Episode 2 - From Press TV - English
The last part of the Islamic Bomb series - English
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So we Chinese think Pakistan is a Shia Muslim country. As they are hard worker and peaceful. But by comments here I got my point clear to some extent.



@shiachinese. Baltistan has 99% Shias (as told by local Chinese Shias).Both sides of China & Pakistan have inter-marriages.Pakistani Shias are found everywhere in China. They are hard worker and peace loving people.I met many Shias in Uygur regions, Kashgar and Hong Kong.In Kashgar, Hong Kong and Shenzen there are very big Hussainia by Pakistanis



But we in China always know that neighboring Pakistan has big Shia population.Most of the students coming to China are Pakistani Shias.So we Chinese think that Pakistan is a Shia Muslim state like Iran.OK,thanks for correction.It means Pakistan region is a mixture of Sunni majority (56~57%) and Shia 43~44%.But why husband & wife not both Shia?



@Qamareqbal. Your detailed answer is so good and indepth. Xie Xie



But the video is not about Sunni or Shia in Pakistan. This is some propaganda film by Western media. I have studied statistics and socialogy. As per govt records there are more than 43% Shia in Pakistan.Majority being Sunni about 56~57%. Both Shia and Sunni live together peacefully in Pakistan. Sometimes husband is Sunni,wife is Shia & vice versa



Unfortunately not, but Alhamdulillah we are around 25% of Population



Many Shia Chinese think Pakistan is Shia Muslim country. Is it right?