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Islamic Bomb - Episode 1 of 2 - From Press TV - English

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Islamic Bomb - Episode 1 Of 2 - From Press TV - English
A great documentary analysing the mystery of Pakistan nuclear bomb - Press TV - English
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Also a good fact Pakistan has more Christian population than many European countries about 6~7million.Christians do good work in national progress.They are educated, high ranking military generals, professors & social workers. Muslims and Christian and other population segments live together equally & brotherly.Pakistan is not Shia or Sunni state



But the video is not about Sunni or Shia in Pakistan. This is some propaganda film by Western media. I have studied statistics and socialogy. As per govt records there are more than 43% Shia in Pakistan.Majority being Sunni about 56~57%. Both Shia and Sunni live together peacefully in Pakistan. Sometimes husband is Sunni,wife is Shia & vice versa



assalam o alakum
this is not a purely shiamuslim country. just 20% of population belong to shia community. But Alhmdolillah we consider ourself majority not minority even then in critical and dangerous time.



Is Pakistan a Shia Muslim Country?