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Mulla Basim Karbalai Insulting Wali Faqih Ayatullah Khamenei - Arabic sub Farsi

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Mulla Basim Karbalai Insulting Wali Faqih Ayatullah Khamenei - Arabic Sub Farsi
Mulla Basim Karbalai Insulting Wali Faqi Ayatullah Khamenei - Arabic sub Farsi
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i dont understand arabic. can anyone xplain me what is sayyed Hassan Nasrallah say?



Just in case anyone is wondering who the people speaking against bassim Karbalai are

the first guy is obvoius he is sayed Hassan the second is hujjatul islam wal muslimeen sayed Hassan Kamal who I believe resides in saudi Arabia it said arbstan when I googled it I got saudi Arabia. The third is Shaykh Abdul Kareem al habeel and is the imam for jumuah at qateef, Saudi arabia. So he is definitely from saudi arabia.




Also read these lines carefully dude who the HECK else could he be talking about here there is no way in my view that he was talking about anyone else other than waleeh al Faqih(ha) I dont care what he says he probably made that video you speak of cause he was getting a lot of heat for it read these lines

"Only upon the one they call a Shia I raise a complaint"
"And they said the one who strikes their head with the sword(ie tatbir) has left his religion"

listen to it yourselves I understand enough arabic to know ExACTLY what he is saying.

he continues these terrible lines here

"oh he who fears the Nawasib(extremist sunnis) by God let us be"(basically in response to the banning of tatbir he is basically saying leave us alone let us do tatbir if your scared of sunnis judging us leave us alone and let us do tatbir) here is that video:

he adds in that same video "Everything the Nawasib want they dont want"

Anyone who watches these there is no way you can say he is no referring to sayed al qa'id. Im sure if you were to ask the people there participating in that latmiyat who he was talking about he would say Khamenei(ha)



Bassim Karbali has done tatbir even after the fatwa of Sayed Khamenei(ha) was made and he has promoted it here look

the one above is showing him performing tatbir himself!!!!

So it is logical to conclude that he was insulting walih al Faqih(ha) for banning tatbir.
if he made a video of him apologizing or asking for forgiveness then fine we could say God forgives you Bassim. But to deny that he insulted him and doesn't support tatbir makes him look like he is lying.



He did not insult him , the video was only misinterpreted, ther is another video of bassem karbalai where he explain clearly that he didnt insult the leader while refering to him as leader and he also say that it is a shame to insult the leader and that he himself dont do the blood spilling pratcice



i don't understand Arabic. why did Bassim al Karbalai insult Ayatullah Khamanei?