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Al-Quds International Day in Dearborn, MI USA - Speech by Sister Fatima Mohammadi [Flotilla Survivor] - 03 SEP 2010 - En

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Al-Quds International Day In Dearborn, MI USA - Speech By Sister Fatima Mohammadi [Flotilla Survivor] - 03 SEP 2010 - En
Al-Quds Universal Day in Dearborn, MI USA - Speech by Sister Fatima Mohammadi [Flotilla Survivor] - 03 SEP 2010 - English
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this spech is what tels the truth. the media is alwys changin the words or changin the whole story in general. on the tv, they said gaza has been attacking israel! very wrong. imam mahdi wil save them



Wow. this speech was honestly very illuminating and informative. There is nothing like listening to a witness's first hand account of what really happened...the media always distorts things.