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Ammar Nakshawani Yells at a children During Majlis- Is it OK to do this? English

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Ammar Nakshawani Yells At A Children During Majlis- Is It OK To Do This? English
During a Majlis of Aba Abdullah Hussain Ammar Nakshawani Yells at a children. Is it OK to do this? please comment.
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when we have people misguiding Shia and corrupt scholars it is the duty of the Shia to call them out even if it is revealing a deed of theirs especially when they insist on their behavior this is not a sin and a duty of the Shia. Sayed Ammar has done good work yes but when you say things that also could misguide people at the same time then it is our duty to disclose truth from falsehood. This is so the Shia don't become misguided and unfortunately with sayed ammar this has to be done.



Ammar Nakshawani is a follower of Ahlulbayt AS and he has worked very hard to spread the message of Islam. Its shameful how we do nitpicking on small matters.
Followers of AHlulbayt and IMam Mehdi AS cover each other's defects and who ever expose and creat fitna among followers are sinners and condemned by Ahlulbayt AS.


Being an orator, Mr. Nakshkhwani should not be an attitude during the Majlis. It's a cause of despise. I do condemn upon this behaviour.



why is this a big issue in the video about saying a child to sit around.
if anyone pay so called big money,just keep it to yourself,whoever is given money,they gave as a sadqa.