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What Does Islam Expect From A Woman? | Today I Thought | English

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What Does Islam Expect From A Woman? | Today I Thought | English
Our condolences to all the believers upon the martyrdom of the third divinely appointed Imam, Imam Husayn (A), his family members, and his companions. This year, for the months of Muharram and Safar, sister Zainab Barakat brings us special episodes of Today I Thought that pivot around... Show More >>
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what you said will make much more sense if you were the first to apply it, I have seen your other videos and podcasts and the mount of hypocrisy you carry is mind blowing...should I put links to your others videos with your fancy hijabs and joking with your hosts and putting all the Islamic values under your feet while believing your are upholding them?!!!

my dear brothers at Islamic pulse, what examples are you try to set for our daughters?! you will bring any good looking women with a soft voice and turn her into an attraction to gain more views and attract more people is that it?! I hope not... such a shame